Option α
is the type of values which are either some a
for some a : α
or none
. In functional programming languages, this type is used to represent
the possibility of failure, or sometimes nullability.
For example, the function HashMap.get? : HashMap α β → α → Option β
looks up
a specified key a : α
inside the map. Because we do not know in advance
whether the key is actually in the map, the return type is Option β
, where
means the value was not in the map, and some b
means that the value
was found and b
is the value retrieved.
The xs[i]
syntax, which is used to index into collections, has a variant
that returns an optional value depending on whether the given index
is valid. For example, if m : HashMap α β
and a : α
, then m[a]?
equivalent to HashMap.get? m a
To extract a value from an Option α
, we use pattern matching:
def map (f : α → β) (x : Option α) : Option β :=
match x with
| some a => some (f a)
| none => none
We can also use if let
to pattern match on Option
and get the value
in the branch:
def map (f : α → β) (x : Option α) : Option β :=
if let some a := x then
some (f a)
none.{u} {α : Type u} : Option α
No value.
some.{u} {α : Type u} (val : α) : Option α
Some value of type α